What a long day it has been. I'm exhausted in ever sense of the word. Mentally, physically, emotionally and any other way. Yet my brain continues to wander and wonder. How's the saying go, same ol stuff just a different day? I'm not even going to get into the details of the day, just know it was a long day filled with all kinds of emotions. Yet I still don't have all that I desire. Guess you can't gain the world in a day, right? Cause then what would tomorrow have to bring if you did. One day at a time, its a process. I am exhausted though, at least physically. My mind never shuts off. I know this because of the dreams I have. Often I wake up in a panic or worried state because they seem so real. Even when o keep I can't seem to forget my worries of life. It's probably aging me with all the stress. Ok maybe not. I know I still looks good :) that was in my ghetto voice in case you don't get it :)
There are things that I don't agree with. Things I Think are wrong and disrespectful. But I can't make others agree with what I see to be not ok and disrespectful. I can only do what I feel is right. I could do things to aggitate people if I wanted to like people do to me but I don't want to be like that. I know that I do it sometimes though, I'm not perfect. I think I am generally quick to realize I was wrong though. Occasionally I am my hard headed self and stubborness gets in the way of asking for forgiveness. I generally just want my side to be heard and like most I want to be right. Most things I try and let go and slide but when it is something I feel strongly about I don't give up. I can't help that I'm not a push over. I try to be easy going but I also have my limits. It's tough to let everything go when lots of things bother you. Letting go of anything is hard. I'm trying to be a better me every day. Sometimes its a step forward and two back. Life is a process. I can't change others;their thoughts and opinions and what they do. I can only control myself. Sometimes its hard to sit back and let something work itself out, but sometimes that's just what you got to do...
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